There is a growing confusion whether all diverse religions and philosophies around the world were made for the betterment of humans. It is an obvious fact that humans have been divided into these religions under various labels. In spite of the label, undoubtedly, no one has grasped the spirit of them. If all the religions teach us not to hate but to love one another, what has caused all the destructive activities that can be seen in the modern time?
It is an unresolved doubt whether inhumane activities like killing innocent Catholics inside the churches, destroying Buddha statues and Buddhist shrines, assassinating Buddhist monks and shooting Islamic devotees who were praying in the mosques, resulted due to any imperfection of the existing religions.
When things go this way, it is doubtful if all these religions have been able to fulfill their responsibility in an impactful way.
Anyone ethically has a right to critically analyze the fundamentals of their religions. In addition, it is a human right to accept or to deny any fundamental in a particular religion. Most religions restrict the followers criticizing the fundamentals or ethical and moral codes of their religions by indicating it as sacrilegious.
It is not an exaggeration to precise that Buddhism is the only religion in the world that tolerate critical analysis and polemics.
It is a well-known fact that hundreds of other contemporary religio-philosophical ideologies that existed during the Buddha’s time also restricted logical thinking and logical reasoning. But in Buddhism it still remains as a positive and progressive concept.
It is advisable to grasp the ethics of any religion other than wasting time by finding faults.
If any community or a penal code of a country try to persecute its people based on religious beliefs, there is a reasonable doubt about they are being blessed even by the God.
Even though we praise all the heroes in the history who sacrificed themselves for the sake of their religion and nation, committing murders and persecuting based on religious beliefs cannot be accepted.
On the day people comprehend the exact values and ethical codes of their own religions non-violence will conquer the violence. Let’s pray for that day!

From the Editorial of Satipatthana.

Translated by Devindi Manatunga.

© Satipatthana Magazine