“How to start a new beginning in our life?”

Whenever we want to start a new beginning, we may need to take lessons from the past.
No matter how bad things were, how hurt we were, or how many failures we met, we have to forget them and Learn from our mistakes, and remember not to repeat them.
To release ourselves from the bondage of our mistakes, guilt, wrong doings, and tortures of other people, we should forgive ourselves and others. Also, if possible, we should apologize for our mistakes. This frees us from a negative bond and gives us the permission to move forward to start a new life. It is said that Forgiveness means another chance to make a new beginning.
Moreover, A calm and composed mind helps us be peaceful and productive. We should drop our tensions and should not worry that will only accumulate stress. Instead of that, we should learn mind control and meditation. Then, we will be more happy and peaceful when we let go of things that we cannot control. We are less burdened and can concentrate on working with life.
One more step to attain peace of mind and move forward is to accept the past because we cannot change it. We should accept ourselves, our life and the circumstances, and try to make the best use of the resources at hand.
Acceptance of a problem gives us something concrete to work on to correct our wrong doings and change our life. Then we can know ourselves better and we can try to understand other people and situations. Also, we can recognise our shortcomings and virtues, skills and abilities, interests and passion. The most important thing is to understand the reality and, realistically find out what would it take for us to solve our challenges and problems and make a new beginning.
In fact, true solutions come with understanding. Some of us might have faced and lived in negativity. Violence, anger, greed, bad addiction, lust, and guilt are some negativity that we need to convert to peace, compassion, gratitude, good habits, Loving-kindness, and Compassion. Good and positive thoughts impact our actions and then we can make a new beginning when we feel good about ourselves. Don’t be late and let’s do this…..!
“May the Noble Triple Gems the Buddha, Dhamma and Sangha bless, you, all other family members and dhamma friends and all living beings to have good health, ease, comfort, peace and happiness by being free from harm, danger, worries, difficulties, sicknesses, problems, stress, depression and all kinds of bad situations..
May all of you be protected by the Blessings of the Buddha….!