Chaukhandi Stupa


The Chaukhandi Stupa is thought originally to have been built as a terraced temple during the Gupta period between the 4th and 6th centuries to mark the site where Buddha and his first disciples met traveling from Bodh Gaya to Sarnath.


Dharmarajika Stupa



Dharmarajika Stupa was built over the relics of the Buddha by Ashoka in the 3rd century BCE. The stupa was believed to have been re-established in the 2nd century CE during the Kushan era in order to house relics of the Buddha, which may have been sourced from earlier monuments.


Adi Badri Buddhist monastery


Adi Badri Buddhist monastery is dated to the 10th-12th century. Buddhist statues from the 12th century CE were discovered here. There are remains of many Buddhist stupas and monasteries in Adi Badari. These stupas and monasteries, built of hard bricks, are about 1500–2000 years old.


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